We have two wonderful news: Lucio Capece‘s ELEMENTAL PULSE will be performed at the Metz Pompidou Center, 25th June 2021 AND at Centro Cultural Kirchner, Festival Ruido, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the 26th-27th September 2021. See you there!
“As a development of the projects based in sharing perception experiences that I have been working on since 2010, Elemental Pulse takes as a departure point the idea that in silence, and even more in silence in the context of nature, we can consider what we hear as a continuous sound, what is usually called a drone. A drone that can be analyzed in it’s spectral components, obtaining frequencies that in certain close ranges can produce beatings, that combined can introduce us to the primal experience of pulse, and then to rhythm.The starting material of the piece is a recording made in a forest in Poland, in front of a small lake, during the night, between 11 pm and 3 am. The drone is the silence that I perceived that night. The most silent experience I had in the context of open nature.This recording, offered to the audience in the third section of the piece, acts as source material for specific Sine Tones that are diffused through 3 mini speakers that move over the head of the audience, hanging from helium balloons pushed by small propellers. The first section of the piece is based on a combined improvised set using a slide saxophone and an analog synthesizer that take the chosen frequencies as material for real time creation. In the second section frequencies in a close range are selected in order to make concrete the experience of rhythm genesis through the combination of tones.”
Listen to it on the Cashmere Radio.

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